.Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN): Preparation

By taking the opportunity of attending VIMUN participants dive into the challenges of international negotiations and diplomatic procedures. Essentially, this elevates Model UNs from traditional conferences due to the fact that it requires active involvement of each participant. Consequently, participants need to prepare in advance. How well they prepare will determine their success at VIMUN. As a matter of fact, each year the best participants are being rewarded with a prestigious certificate - "The Best Delegate's Award" - as well as a gift given by the organizers of VIMUN. To ensure effective preparation each participant is encouraged to regularly visit the VIMUN homepage for updates and to download important preparation materials.
What is a Delegate?
In order to effectively simulate multilateral diplomacy participants at VIMUN are required to represent countries other than their country of origin. By doing so participants at VIMUN will officially be called delegates of VIMUN. These delegates will role play the positions of national representatives such as Ambassadors, Ministers, other diplomats or representatives of IGOs and NGOs. Therefore, the most important part for the start of preparation is to learn the basic data on the country (especially politics, economy). Participants should also look which person would be the representative of the country in "real life". At MUNs participants represent the national interests of a foreign country on the level of international negotiation, they never represent their own personal opinion. Participation at VIMUN is only possible by actively taking part in the simulation and by attending all committee sessions (no audience or guests allowed). At VIMUN individual participants as well as delegations are accepted.
What is a Delegation?
A delegation is a group of VIMUN participants consisting of at least five people. Still, each participant is a single representative/delegate of one country in one of the committees. Though, each participant of the delegation might represent the same country in the different committees.
The two main advantages for participating at VIMUN as delegation are:
AFA accepts only Head Delegates who actively participate at the conference as delegates. The name of the Head of Delegation should be indicated at the registration form. What are Chaperons? Chaperons are persons who accompany a delegation to the conference (eg. Faculty Advisors). What is a Chair/Co-Chair? Each committee simulated at VIMUN is headed by a Chair and a Co-Chair who are responsible for the smooth proceedings of the committee sessions. In particular, Chair and Co-Chair of a committee develop the topics discussed, draw up preparation papers, communicate with delegates of their committees and rule debates during committee sessions. All Chairs for VIMUN are chosen for their extraordinary qualifications and experiences: either they are former MUN participants or are active in high positions in youth organizations. Additional Requirements - Making the World of Diplomacy and the United Nations a Reality at VIMUN The world of diplomatic negotiations applies well adapted rules which have developed over the years. For making VIMUN come even closer to reality participants/delegates are obliged to stick to additional requirements at VIMUN. As the conference language is english only, basic knowledges in english are required (personal interpretors are not allowed). Participants with only very basic english knowledge should choose committee/country positions which are not so important for the discussion. Representatives of the key positions (e.g. P5) need to have abilty and passion to negotiate more than others. All delegates must act within the spirt of the United Nations and human rights ideals and show courtesy and respect to the VIMUN Chairs and other Members of the VIMUN Team, advisors and fellow delegates. A formal dress code will be enforced during the conference. Business apparel is required during all sessions meaning suits for men and business dress for women. Keeping in mind that the Gala Reception marks the highlight of the social programme for VIMUN men kindly are asked to wear evening suits and women evening dresses if possible. At this occasion you are also cordially invited to wear your national costume. Casual wear is suitable for all other social events (Welcome Dinner, Summer Night and Party). At VIMUN it is only allowed to wear the clothing style of the own nationality (not the one participants represent at the role play!). At international conferences diplomats obey to certain rules of procedure for ensuring smooth negotiation proceedings. This is not different at VIMUN. At VIMUN as well participants have to apply certain Rules of Procedure at committee sessions. It is essential to apply them for making committee sessions work out well. Therefore, it is obligatory for every participant/delegate to study the Rules of Procedure prior to the start of the conference. As a result delegates will find it easier to negotiate their country's position within the committee. Rules of Procedure can be found on the homepage of VIMUN - button "Committees - Topics - Team". At VIMUN you simulate the position as Head of State or a high ranked diplomat. Please bear in mind that these representatives usually concentrate on personal debates and negotiations (not on smartphones and pads). Preparation Materials All preparation materials and the Rules of Procedure are available on the homepage (button "Committees - Topics - Team"). Each participant has to prepare individually for the country he/she is representing (libraries, internet, embassies, media) and is invited to send in a one page Position Paper to the Chair prior to the conference, since the "Study Guide" (provided to participants about one week before the conference) will be only a general outline!