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Conference Fee

For a single delegate the Conference Fee is 190,- EUR, it includes:

  • proportional costs of the VIMUN conference
  • all conference materials
  • certificate of participation
  • meal on Sunday evening (self payment of drinks)
  • meal and drinks on Monday evening
  • entrance fee for the VIMUN party (self payment of drinks)

Reduced Conference Fee

For participants of the following three groups the Conference Fee is only 170,- EUR:

  • Members of the AFA network, who have paid the annual membership fee
  • Delegates, who participated at VIMUN in previous years ("Veterans").
  • Members of a "Delegation": A delegation is a group of VIMUN participants consisting of at least five people. Still, each participant is a single representative/delegate of one country in one of the committees. Though, each participant of the delegation might represent the same country in the different committees. The two main advantages for participating at VIMUN as delegation are joint preparation and financial reduction for all delegates. The Conference Fee for each participant within a delegation is 170,- EUR. The name of the Head of Delegation should be indicated on the registration form.


Chaperons are persons who accompany a delegation to the conference (eg. Faculty Advisors). For chaperons the Conference Fee is 100,- EUR.

Financial Support

VIMUN is organized on a strictly voluntary basis with no financial benefits for the Members of the Organizing Team. But Vienna is not one of the cheapest cities and contributions through state subsidies or private donors are declining. The actual costs for organizing the conference are of course much higher (about 800,- EUR per person) than the Conference Fees charged of the participant. But thanks to its partners AFA can keep the Conference Fee as low as announced above. Therefore, every participant will be asked to sign an according form for the partners of AFA at the Registration Table upon arrival.

Only under very special circumstances might participants be granted additional financial support in form of reduced Conference Fees. A corresponding request has to be sent to the Secretary General of VIMUN (austria@afa.at) with details about the participant's social and financial situation. If this additional support is available the participant will receive an official confirmation mail from the Secretary General. Other arrangements are not possible. Participants will be asked to present this confirmation mail at the registration table at the beginning of the conference in Vienna.

Participants are also encouraged to find funding sources in their home countries for which purpose AFA can provide a letter of support.

Please understand that most institutions (Federal Ministries etc.) in Austria have already been asked by AFA for supporting the conference. Therefore, it would be useless if students from abroad would contact them also individually. Consequently, participants are strictly requested not to contact institutions in Austria for scholarships.

Travel and Accomodation Expenses

Each participant has to take care of these arrangements individually. AFA is not able to provide financial support.


The Conference Fee includes meals and beverages at some social events in the evenings. All other meals have to be covered by the participants.

Bank Transfer

After registration is completed and confirmed by the VIMUN Team the Conference Fee has to be transferred to AFA. As payments via credit cards or cash are not possible participants are requested to transfer the fees to the following account:

  • Account holder: "Akademisches Forum fuer Aussenpolitik"
  • Account holder's address: Johannesgasse 2/2/32, A-1010 VIENNA
  • Name of bank: Erste Bank
  • Address of bank: Graben 21, A-1010 VIENNA
  • IBAN: AT912011131002405788
  • Routing Code: 20111
  • Account No.: 31002405788

Please note that transfer fees charged by the bank must be covered by the participants themselves! Please bear in mind that as well as your bank also our bank charges fees for international bank transfers, which depends on the contracts between your bank and our bank. If you could not include both bank transfer rates into your transaction you will be asked to pay the outstanding transfer fees at the Registration Table upon arrival.

Contract Details and Cancellation of Registration

Notification of cancellation must be made by e-mail to AFA. Cancellation of registration will be accepted until one week before the conference, up to which date the total amount will be refunded. No refund can be made after that periode.

Please make sure to check the VIMUN website for cancellation policies as applied at VIMUN. By sending the registration form you sign a contract with AFA. If you do not cancel your registration within 7 days before the conference you will be requested to pay for the full Conference Fee. Court of competent jurisdiction: 1010 Vienna.

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