Planed Meetings in Vienna
- Saturday, TBA October 2024, 16:00 - 18:30
Participation Requirements
Participation only for young people (up to 30 years) after registration via Newcomer are always welcome. Basic (school) english is needed, but further preparations for the meetings are not necessary as our MUNs are "learing by doing" events. Our team will explain you everything at the beginning of the meeting. If you would like to be a little bit pre-informed you are invited to read our Introductory Guide or the Rules of Procedure in advance.
- Kurt-Waldheim-Memorial-Library
- A-1010 VIENNA, Johannesgasse 2/2/32
- (corner to Kärntner Str., entrance vis a vis McDonalds restaurant)
- Limited "seats", no participation without registration.