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Model United Nations Club: Basic Information on the Austrian "MUN Scene"

Annual Highlight in August: The Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN)

Picture of a Simluation of the UN Security Council at the Imperial Palace Vienna

What is a Model United Nations (MUN)?

A Model United Nations (MUN) is a meeting where young pepole (up to 30 years) authentically simulate negotiations of specific committees and organs of the United Nations. Participants choose a country and research their chosen country's position regarding a specific topic.

After preparation, they step into the shoes of diplomats and represent this country in a committee. They debate, convince, bring forward new solutions and solve a world conflict with their own resolution.

Picture of a Delegate Representing the Position of the United States

Why participate in MUNs?

Thousands of young people actively take part in MUNs, debating either at training sessions at clubs or at international conferences that are organized all over the world.

The motivation for participation in MUNs is simple, yet very convincing:

  • improve negotiation and public speaking skills
  • become a better team-worker and leader
  • get an insight into an UN diplomat's work
  • make practical use of political knowledge
  • meet and stay in touch with young people from all around the world
  • earn a valuable certificate

Picture of an Austrian MUN in December 1960

MUNs in Austria

In Austria the Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs AFA) is in charge of MUN activities. The first small UN simulations took place in the 1960ies. In 1995 the AFA organized the first international MUN in Vienna on the occasion of the 50 year anniversary celebrations of the United Nations. The Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN) since that time is an highlight of the UN youth related acitivities in Austria.

Delegation from Austria at MOSTIMUN in April 2012

MUN Club in Austria

The Model United Nations Club (MC) is an event series of AFA with regularly UN simulations. Currently the MC takes place in Vienna. Dates are listed on this website. (See button "Calendar".) If you are interested in MUN activities in other Austian cities please contact AFA.

The MC is dedicated to especially involve newcomers into the fascinating world of MUNs to give them a chance to get an insight into MUNing and to learn the procedures and basic skills that are needed to successfully participate in MUN conferences.

In the frame of the MC AFA also visits international MUNs all over the world together with its team members who assist in preparing the delegations from Austria. An overview on previous and future Austrian delegations at international MUNs as well as a general list of upcoming international MUNs is available at the "International" corner of this website.

Picture of Draft Resolutions

Still questions about MUNs or the MC?

Contact AFA, the team is glad to receive e-mails and to answer all questions:

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