Dear AFA Members and Friends!
The last few weeks have been the worst in the history of the country of Haiti. On the 12 of January 2010, a devastating earthquake hit the densely populated capital of Port-au-Prince and its surrounding cities. Ruins, starvation and death have since dominated the entire country.
As I watched the news on that day, I realized that we, as an international and committed youth organization should contribute something to reduce this suffering. The emergency aid reached Haiti only a few days after, despite unimaginable barriers. However, one must realize that much of the country still lies in ruins. The people don’t have access to sufficient clean drinking water, let alone to food.
The Organization "Our little brothers and sisters" are active in Haiti since 1988. It is an Organization supporting orphaned children in Haiti with a hospital, schools and homes. Due to the earthquake, almost all buildings are completely destroyed. Mr. Rick Frenchette, head of the organization in
Haiti, reported on 26 January, that until now three team members
have died. Approximately 20% of the team is still missing.
More information about the Organization:
I built up a cooperation with the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Vienna. After several meetings with the staff at the consulate, we have come across this remarkable project.
Now I ask you to donate for this necessary purpose. The AFA-VIENNA Bank account is now available as a "collection center" for the donations, before we then forward the entire amount together with Honorary Consul Mrs. Dreihann-Holenia to the Organization "Our little brothers and sister". Images of this will be published on our website.
Neither the Organization "Our little brothers and sister" nor the AFA-VIENNA charge any costs for administration etc… We receive detailed reports from Haiti regarding the use of our donations. Both the AFA-VIENNA, as well as the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Vienna guarantee that 100% of your donations will benefit the reconstructions.
Furthermore, the statements of account of AFA-VIENNA (without the names of donors) will be made PUBLICLY available.
Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs - Vienna
Bank Austria
BLZ: 12000
Account number: 03270045200
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me:
Best wishes!
stv. Vorstandsvorsitzender
Akademisches Forum für Außenpolitik - Wien -
Hochschulliga für die Vereinten Nationen (AFA)
United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria -
Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs - Vienna (UNYSA-AUSTRIA)
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A-1010 WIEN
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